Posted by: Louise | May 13, 2011

It HAS to be pink

In Lydia’s world, pink is the clear favourite colour. If you push her, she will agree that any colour that can be in a butterfly is also pretty, but the girl is obsessed with pink. So it was no surprise to me, that when I asked her to pick a fabric for a dress I wanted to make her she said that it “HAS to be pink”.


And putting on a new pink dress seems to lead to automatic twirling.

IMG_8093.JPG.png IMG_8092.JPG.png

I wasted 10 mins and made a matching headband to hold back those golden locks that are getting longer and longer.


I love this flower lovin’ little three year old.


I overheard Ewan call her “Princess Kate” 🙂


Such a happy girl!

Tutorial for the dress can be found here and a tutorial for the headband can be found here.


  1. so pretty! I hope to make this dress later this week for my middle child..she is also a pink girl!

  2. very cute 🙂

  3. LOVE how that turned out on her!! And what’s a little girly photo shoot without her spinning in her new dress. That made me smile…..because that’s just how it goes with my little girl. Love it!


  4. Very cute! I made one too! Your kids are adorable!

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